Approaching your life with a spirit of possibility.
Striving to be fully present in each moment.
Practicing acceptance (not acquiescence or resignation).
Embracing a spirit of compassion and trust.
Believing in yourself and what you have to offer.
Understanding that playing and playfulness are seriously important elements for your well being.
Yes, and… is a key concept in improvisational theater that makes each performance possible. Yes, and… is a collaborative interplay grounded in the idea that you are fully present in the moment, accepting of the gift of your partners’ offers (ideas/suggestions), and willing to build upon those ideas with your own perspectives and experiences in order to co-create a unique live show.
IMPROVing Life Counseling Inc. will help you incorporate the spirit of Yes, and… into improving your life.
If you’re interested in becoming a better, happier, more fulfilled you, we'd love to work with you every step of the way. Please contact us today!